Customer Testimonials

If you’re planning to use our services, please read all the genuine feedbacks written by our past customers below.

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Customer Testimonials

539 Responses

  1. I had requested for my ticket 2 weeks earlier than my visa appointment date. I had gotten the ticket reservation details from them within 6 hours which was great service. As I was so busy at work and had only checked the flight reservation on the way to the embassy, suddenly the reservation was not valid. I sent them an email about the situation. They had responded immediately, apologized and told me that the booking has been refreshed and that I can proceed to submit my visa application.

    Overall I am satisfied with the service and maybe to avoid further cases like this in the future is to at least they should monitor the flight proactively the day before the embassy appointment date. I have gotten my first Schengen visa and I am thankful for the service so convenient to obtain online. This is a reliable service and their customer service is always available via live chat or email.

    Cindy December 24, 2017 at 2:12 AM #
  2. Very fast and efficient service, can’t fault it! Left my flight bookings to the last minute and decided to use your service after reading the reviews. My 1 regret was not using your services to get me travel insurance too:-) Thanks very much, took the stress & hassle out of trying to organise oneself with all the visa requirements.

    Josephine Lalabalavu December 22, 2017 at 9:34 PM #
  3. I was in desperate need for flight and accommodation reservations for my visa and then my sister found this website. Initially, we were not really sure but when I got my flight tickets within a few minutes, we cross-checked everything on the website of the airline and it was all authentic. Thank you so much Alexandra, for helping me out in time of dire need. Now this is going to be my go-to website for the future. I am very grateful for this website.

    Shahista Hussain December 14, 2017 at 9:22 AM #
  4. I ordered Critical yesterday and got my flight booking within 30 minutes. They were also very responsive and helpful via live chat. Thank you so much for the fast response. I almost missed my visa appointment without the flight reservation. May God bless you!

    Dirk Vredenburg December 10, 2017 at 8:38 PM #
  5. Oh Yes Alexandra I am very happy and thankful for your services. You guys are fast and accurate in your services. It is so easy to get what i am have been looking for the past months in just a short time with your services. Changed my flight itinerary without any complications!!! was a dream come through.
    Merci beaucoup.

    Bertina November 1, 2017 at 6:24 AM #
  6. I was in desperate need of a flight reservation, I would say you all came through for me last minute and I am very grateful. Thanks

    Amy October 30, 2017 at 7:03 AM #
  7. Quick service and very helpful in my visa application, I need flight reservation for visa application and it is on immediate basis, customer support (Alexandra) help me in to it, I receive my flight booking within 13 hours, looking forward to book future flight bookings with you guys !!

    Keval Thakar October 29, 2017 at 9:22 AM #
  8. Very professional and quick Service. I got a free upgrade from regular to Urgent and got my Flight reservation in less than 6 hours.
    I also checked the reservation on ” check my trip ” and everything is ok !!
    Also got a 35$ Airbnb voucher. Would only recommend this service.

    Ben Tarfaoui October 24, 2017 at 1:44 PM #
  9. I was one hesitant customer and also a bit paranoid. I even tried contact a few people who provided feedback here just to ensure if their testimonials were legit but nobody responded. I had trust issues but then it left me with no choice since i was not able to find other options at all. Decided to take the risk and then tadaaa… they never failed me. Euro Trip with my family went through because of their help.
    Thanks so much!

    Julie Sasam October 21, 2017 at 4:56 PM #
  10. Thank you for your excellent service. Very fast and exect fullfilled my wishes. Thank you and I will give your LINK to many of my German friends
    Thank you

    DR CONRAD October 20, 2017 at 2:05 PM #