Customer Testimonials

If you’re planning to use our services, please read all the genuine feedbacks written by our past customers below.

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Customer Testimonials

539 Responses

  1. This is my 3rd attempt applying for a visa service. And I finally get the VISA to Europe. I came across this service online, and to share with everyone.
    Alexandra has been very helpful and kind to help you with your Flight Reservation and Hotel Reservation within the day.

    Van Sereyboth October 16, 2017 at 7:00 PM #
  2. This is the best service i have come across. good service and fast too. Had my rush service for flight reservation in 3 hours. Thank you very much.

    Bertina October 16, 2017 at 2:04 PM #
  3. Thank you so much for the great service. I received my order in less than 2 hours! I apply for a Schengen visa on a regular basis and it’s always a headache getting all the documents together. Thank you so much for making it easier!
    I will definitely make use of your services again!!

    Leozanda DK October 4, 2017 at 9:33 AM #
  4. My friend recommended this service to me and I must say that I’m extremely pleased. I had my South African visa application appointment on Tuesday 26th September and booked a Regular order the previous Friday 22nd September at around 10pm. However, I was upgraded to a Critical order for free since it would have taken longer to complete the itinerary at such short notice and also over the weekend.
    I received my order at around 1am on the 23rd September thanks to the efficient agent “Alexandra” assigned to my booking. On applying on the 26th at the application centre, all my itinerary checked out and I received my visa within 3 working days.

    I will definitely recommend this service and would henceforth be using it.

    Esther October 3, 2017 at 4:02 PM #
  5. Many thanks for your service! Very quick and convenient!

    Kristina October 2, 2017 at 11:10 AM #
  6. I used travel visa service twice for flight reservations so far and both of my orders were processed within few hours. They always have prompt response to your query. I needed to change my travel date and my new itinerary was sent within the requested timeframe. Very efficient service indeed!

    Hima September 27, 2017 at 9:47 AM #
  7. My reservation was done very smoothly. I had some adjustments to make to my itinerary and it was done faster than I would have imagined. I am really pleased with my order and will definitely order from here in the future. Thank you for the amazing customer service.

    Lise D. September 22, 2017 at 3:27 AM #
  8. Thank you very much For the service it’s superb, I am happy with it .

    Fatima August 16, 2017 at 6:48 PM #
  9. I saw there were good comments about customer services and all, one thing is reading it and the other is experience it. Response was blitz fast, i made mistake they notified me asked me to clarify the dates and helped me. I was surprised i got reservation right back for the return ticket and even upgraded it for me to CRITICAL for free which i didn’t require but it was so nice of them. Reservation is valid on official airline website, I’m still amazed. Thank you very much.

    Filip Tichy August 15, 2017 at 1:35 PM #
  10. Excellent service. Super prompt response from the moment I placed my order. Was upgraded from regular service to rush all for FREE; received my order in 19 hours from the expected 36 hours. Really unexpected. Thank you very much for the accurate, timely and wonderful service.

    Ed Chungunco August 5, 2017 at 12:32 AM #